One Wheel Blog
We, the Unicyclists, were gifted this fancy new website by Kenton Smith. The aim as you may or may not know is for it to be run by Unicyclists, for Unicyclists. A neutral place for the community to commune around the wheel. By commune, I mean cyber-commune because we are a niche pocket of weirdo’s in the cycling world but loved in the circus world. In case you didn’t have an understanding of the word commune, Google-on-demand provided an answer with a slight adaptation suited to the SA Uni Community.
“an intentional community of people sharing common interests, property and resources”.
We have this site with all these funky features that will tell the story of Unicycling in South Africa. We can now connect with the community in a new way, as a Unicyclist and as a individual. Bringing together the talents and experiences of our personal and common interests.
If you’ve done a bit of a browse around, you will find that there are a number of sections which are being hosted and administered by community members (i.e. Video Productions by Nic Paidas and Pre-Loved by Zakk Coetzee). Other features that were added are:
- A forum called AmaOneTya
- A blogging section where any Unicyclist can write a blogpost for your 1 wheel compadres to read.
- A photo gallery where you can upload your own albums.
This is just the start of a potentially awesome website or potentially not. The secret to Unicycling SA’s success is you. Taking action and getting involved is how it will transform into Uni-awesomeness. Don’t take action and it will maybe be something slightly more than this and possibly be wiped off the world wide web like it’s predecessors:
- The original AmaOneTya forum setup by Brent Boswell.
- CounterBalance, The Freedom Revolution Tour which was an epic Muni adventure undertook by Alan Read, Johnny Cronje and Donna Kisogloo. A 2500km adventure, over 44 days and was blogged about by Kirby Kruger. Yet alas, it has also been wiped from the world’s view. Pity, it was such an entertaining read!
Now that you have the low down, up down and the round round. I’m gonna poke you in the side, gently and say…
“Email Kenton on and ask for your free personalised email address”.
Then I’m going to say…
“Also ask Kenton to create your profile on the site so that you can start getting busy”
But I also have to say this kak bit…
“There are rules and they are as follows”
- You must be a Unicyclist living in South Africa.
- Your content must be unicycling related.
- Only photos owned by you may be used.
- Your page may not take visitors to other websites.
- You are responsible for your own content.
Feeling like you got the jist of this vibe? I hope so! If not, then go ride your uni and come back to read this when you’ve balanced the chemicals in your body and brain.
Life is all about balance!
Welcome one wheelers,
This is our very own one wheel blog!!!!!
With this blog, you can post articles about your one wheel rides, get-togethers, events and fun times on or off the one wheel. You can add your very own photos, text, music, maps and even video to this blog. Tell others about your ride, tell them how much fun you had and what you enjoyed about the ride. Share your scars, after all “chicks dig scars”
!!!! Be our first blogger !!!
Send me an email on to volunteer as a unicyclist blogger. (You can blog when it suits you.)
Be ready to share your experience with other one wheelers!!!
Keep the wheel rolling and the blog posting!